Thursday, October 19, 2006

Beauty wasn't so pretty after all

Turns out my attempt to re-write Beauty and the Beast wasn't quite as successful as I though. But at least I enjoyed the exercise and got a lot of helpful feedback. For next week I've got to write a piece in the first-person, with a strong 'voice'. I haven't experimented with the first-person much in my fiction, so this will be good practise for me.

Joe can't get away with parking in the Tremough car park any more - it's too risky, what with the near death threats they inflict on you if you leave your car some where inappropriate. So... we've found somewhere non too original to park, I won't tell you in case you (or someone you know) decides to steal it. Believe me, it's that difficult to find some where without being clamped, slapped by locals or have things smashed or broken off your car!

But anyway, we had a few drinks after a very long day at the office and then had to stumble through the halls of residence and then down the treacherous gravel hill descending to the old entrance of the college. It was a proper trek and two others, who shall remain nameless very nearly rolly-pollyed all the way into the river at the bottom. The river (well, it was more like a ripe stream), remained to be the last hurdle before we got to safety. With mobiles on to promote some much needed light to distinguish the sparse stepping stones, we all miraculously got across without even a soggy toe. This was only the first day of many more of these outings, so I will not pretend that it will get easier. But it sure beats getting the bus and it's nice to get some fresh air and adventure before being trapped in rooms with slidng walls, stark lights and contrasting climates all day.

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