Friday, October 20, 2006

Safe as...

I witnessed a very amusing incident early this morning, on my way to the gym. I was walking up Killigrew Street, which is very steep and a mission to ascend with a full backpack on. In front of me I notice two men trying to shift a large green object down a ramp from a house. As I approach, I realise it's a safe. A cast-iron safe, emerald green, both ancient and decorative. An old man watched anxiously from the door way. I looked around to see where they could be taking it to and spotted a removals van at the crest of the hill. I really didn't envy their task. If they were struggling to get it onto the pavement, they had a lot more pain to encounter. I wanted to know what was in that safe. I wanted to know why someone on Killigrew Street (just a regular house with no grandeur) would need to keep such a big safe?

I am moving out next Saturday and can't believe the time I've wasted today trying to cancel all my bills and direct debits. Every time I phone one of those hideous call centres I either run out of options and end up being disconnected or get told there will be a 15 minute waiting time and give up. I've spent over eleven pounds of phone credit this morning and have not resolved anything! These companies don't want you to lose your custom, and so they do their damned hardest not to tell you how to jump ship. I'll now have to keep trying and just hope someone answers my call before I seriously lose my temper. I'll cut them all off at the source - the bank, we'll see how they feel about that! But I want to be courteous and give them my final readings - just in case I'm entitled to a refund!

I've got to pack everything, clean everything (believe me when I say there are some dark and murky corners that have not seen the hoover or a dust cloth since I've lived here!) Fun, endless fun.

I am worried about not having time to complete my work and Luke's birthday is on the 29th, so I'll have to think of something special and inexpensive to give him.
Must start Bill's piece today and check to see if mum and dad have had a chance to find me some 1990 inspired memories.

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